5 Habits for Successful Social Media Managers in 2020

5 Habits for Successful Social Media Managers in 2020

Social Media Management Guidelines

Every time we feel like we have a good handle on social media management, we are confronted with a curveball. I would posit, that this is not necessarily a bad thing - when we look at it rationally.

The social media landscape continues to evolve and will likely do so over the next decade with a myriad of rapid changes. The silver lining for all of us is simple - we will not get bored of the platforms that help us to maximize our exposure, promote our products or services, or simply stay in touch with our contacts.

Here is the reality according to Social Media Today, Three billion people - around 40% of the world’s population - now use social media, spending an average of two hours every day sharing, liking, tweeting, and updating on these platforms. As an example of the true scope of that activity, there are currently around half a million tweets and Snapchat photos shared every minute.


5 Habits to keep you on track

  1. Focus on building a community, not just an audience

  2. Set a timer

  3. Take mental health breaks

  4. Just say no to perfectionism

  5. Advocate for yourself

These 5 habits may seem very simple in its nature, but you would be surprised by how many people who are managing social media accounts, struggle everyday to maintain a sense of control, without losing sense of self. Because social media is a changing landscape of demands, policies, and competition, you can often feel like you are losing control of what is important. Quite frankly, you can be caught between what’s urgent, versus what is truly important.

These are 5 easy habits to keep in mind as you ponder how to stay sane and maintain equilibrium and focus. Check out the steps for each habit here

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